4D Analytics

Data Workpack Generation

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Data workpack grids are templates that can be designed in the system to allow you to download a template to Excel, add data and upload data back into the system from Excel for multiple points/attributes across multiple assets/locations. Data can also be entered into the grid, directly on the page.

A data workpack grid is comprised of one or more assets (containers) displayed in a list on the screen with one or more points and attributes added as further columns. Each point/attribute mapped in the Column Configuration can have data uploaded via Excel or directly into the grid and save values for multiple points/attributes for multiple locations into Amulet.

Note: Data entry via a data workpack is more beneficial when the structure is presented in a uniform or templated way.

Each point/attribute column will be mapped to an asset/location in the grid and the user will be notified when a point/attribute does not exist for any asset/location added.